Thursday, 21 November 2013

Junk Mail

My junk mail goes straight into the ‘junk’ folder on my Hotmail account, and therefore I usually just go through and delete them all without looking at their content, unless I am looking for something in particular.

The email I have chosen is from ‘’. When it comes to summer and I am looking for a holiday, only then will I open these emails.

The email isn't personalised, however I wouldn't be more likely to purchase something because they addressed it to me personally.

The template and layout is effective. For the exciting, vibrant event they are trying to sell it is relevant and appealing.  

They try to entice you into buying the product by telling you that ‘due to huge demand we anticipate early bird packages to be sold out soon.’ And ‘secure your place now for only a £50 deposit.

The email goes on to tell you about the prices and what is included in the package. It then has a link to their actual website where you can book the holiday.

Then continuing in the email, there are banners with promotions, however when you click on them to go to the website, you get sent to the same page for the general website.

At the bottom of the email it gives you another link to click on to book the trip, It also recommends that you find them on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Google+ with the links to their pages. 

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Big Data: The Management Revolution

Big Data allows managers to measure, and know more about their businesses, and translate that knowledge into improved decision making and performance. Some examples of companies that use big data are Amazon, they track all their customers movements around their website. PASSUR Aerospace, a provider of decision-support technologies for the aviation industry. They offer their own arrival estimates as a service called RightETA. By using data such as local weather, flight schedules, and using local passive radar stations to monitor every plane in the sky they can make the ETA of planes more accurate. 

'You can't manage what you don't measure' (McAfee & Brynjolfsson, 2012)

By using data it allows businesses to track what their customers are looking at, review the purchases they make therefore allowing them to make informed suggestions, to their customers, on what they may like to purchase in the future. Companies such as Walmart, collect data from every transaction within their stores allowing them to create regional marketing campaigns promoting specific offers that would benefit their customers in different areas.  

McAfee, A., & Brynjolfsson, E. (2012). Big data: the management revolution.Harvard business review90(10), 60-66.

WAHHOOOO I'm Blogging!!!